Calling all businesses: FREE 3-part course to support your net-zero journey STARTS THIS WEEK
28th September, 2022 - 11:00

Three Net Zero 360 courses will take you from the first steps on your net-zero journey to becoming a bona fide sustainability pioneer, with every aspect of your business aligned to net-zero. The Net zero 360 courses give you access to workshops, a rigorous carbon calculator, action-planning support, and innovation, expertise and facilities to help you achieve steps aligned with net zero. You will have a greater knowledge of measuring your business' carbon impact accurately and will give you a roadmap for creating a greener business for your investors and consumers. These workshops form a series, so please make sure you can attend all three dates before booking. Workshop 1 - Thursday 29 September, 9.30-12.30 (in person at Zero Carbon Guildford) Workshop 2 - Thursday 6 October, 9.30 – 12.30 (online) Workshop 3 - Thursday 13 October 9.30 – 12.30 (online) Book your place here: