What’s Stopping Us Stopping Climate Change? event with Natalie Bennett, Lord Deben and Ed Straw
7th September, 2023 - 17:47

On 28th September from 6.30-8.45pm everyone concerned about climate change and what we can do about it in Surrey is invited to come to Leatherhead Theatre to an event co-hosted by the Surrey Climate Commission and the Institute for Sustainability.
Headlining the event will be Lord Deben formerly chairperson of the UK’s Climate Change Committee, together with past leader of the Green Party, Natalie Bennett, and systems thinking expert and former PWC global board member, Ed Straw.
Richard Essex from the Surrey Climate Commission said “Our system is blocking the change needed to safeguard Surrey’s splendid natural environment, and the health and well-being of all who live and work in the county. We are organizing this event with the Institute for Sustainability to explore what the main blocks are, and to discuss how we can remove them. Three of the country’s leading thinkers will be there to help us.”
Professor Lorenzo Fioramonti, Director of the Institute for Sustainability, said "The Institute for Sustainability's mission is to promote a desirable transition towards a more just and sustainable society. For us, it's therefore paramount to work with the Surrey community to make our county a global hotspot of innovative change. Through intense collaboration, we aspire to make Surrey a living example of what the world should look like going forward."
Nathalie Hinds, the Institute’s Head of Operations and Partnerships, added “This is an event not to be missed. We at the Institute are delighted to be working with the Surrey Climate Commission to unpick why the government isn’t pulling out all the stops to deliver on climate change. This event is enabling connections to be made across Surrey to drive climate action. This is at the heart of the Institute’s mission.”
Entrance is by donation and tickets can be booked through Eventbrite.
The event starts at 6.30pm. The Q&A finishes at 8.45pm. The conversation continues in the bar until 10pm. Leatherhead Theatre is a 10 minute walk from Leatherhead Train Station and buses 408 465 478 479 516 stop nearby. Parking is available but attendees are encouraged to travel by public transport or walking or cycling if possible. After the event, there will be opportunities to join follow-up sessions and be part of something bigger.