Surrey County Council launch Climate Delivery Plan
1st December, 2021 - 09:22

Surrey County Council officially launched their Climate Delivery Plan at the Climate Symposium Event at Surrey University on Wednesday 24th of November.
There was a really healthy attendance to hear of Surrey's ambition to deliver the transformative change that will be required to hit the necessary targets.
It was clear, however, that this cannot be achieved by the Public Sector alone and that only through co-operation and co-ordination with the whole residential and business community
would this change be achieved. This was very much echoed from speeches by Tim Oliver, leader of SCC and Katie Stewart, Executive Director of the Environment.
They also recognised Surrey Climate Commission has a very important partner, both as an independent and expert voice on climate action, as welll as valued memebr of the Greener Partnership Board.
Richard Essex, Chair of Surrey Climate Commission, explained how we can really add value, not only through evidence -led thought leadership but through our ever-extending network of organsiations within the County.